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Tui’s Tombstone Travels is a place to learn about cemetery symbolism, discover the stories behind unique graves, and see beautiful monuments from all over the world.
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photos from historic cemeteries around the world?
the stories behind unique graves?
the meaning of cemetery symbols?
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Follow my World Voyage
Come around the world with me: Join my newsletter to see photos from my upcoming world voyage.
Starting in December of 2024, I will spend several months exploring burial grounds all over the world — and, of course, sharing photos and insights about what I’ve learned with you in my newsletter!
Who am I?
Author/Speaker: I’m Tui Snider, an author and speaker who travels the world exploring historic burial grounds, then sharing what I learn with readers.
Media: My books and cemetery photos have been featured by numerous outlets including Coast to Coast AM, ABC, NBC, LifeHack, and more.
Books: My books include Understanding Cemetery Symbols, 6 Feet Under Texas, and Paranormal Texas.
Articles: I contribute a monthly column to “American Cemetery and Cremation” and have presented at venues such as the UK Research Institute and Tarleton State University.
Tours: My favorite way to teach, however, is by leading cemetery tours. In fact, I was recently invited back to Italy to be a cemetery symbolism guide in 2025.
That's all for now. If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you.
Ciao for now! ~Tui
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